Saturday, October 1, 2022

End of the year (2020) leftover backyard wildlife

 Yes, it's 2022 and I'm still posting photos from 2020. Instead of using all my extra time during the pandemic I just left this blog slide so it's time to catch up.

We don't often get bucks in the yard but this one had a very nice rack.

Usually the geese just walk across the front yard but this day they decided to march down the street instead.
Just standing in the rain and relaxing.
We have geese on the pond most days but ducks are a little more rare to see.
It's funny how they all line up facing the same way. Not sure what the fourth one from the right is doing but it looks like this photo is about to get "R" rated.
I looked out the back window one day and saw a family of ducks walking around the pool. The little ones just walked through the fence slats but I wasn't sure how momma duck was going to get through.
Turns out she's skinnier than I thought, the feathers make her look bigger, but she squeezed right the fence with ease.
Walking in formation.
Swimming in formation too.

S2K Days 2021

 The S2000 club of America gets together once a year and this year was in northern Michigan. Sleeping Bear sand dunes. The view of lake Mich...