Friday, September 2, 2011

Selfridge Airshow - part 3

Otto the helicopter.

Melissa in an Edge 540 doing loops around her husband skydiving in a wing suit.

Wings of Blue dive team from the Air Force Academy.

Wings of Blue, 4 man star.

Brett Hunter in a Pitts.

Wing walker Todd Green.

Todd Green performing a stunt where he climbs from the bi-plane to the helicopter. Tragically, just moments after this photograph, the stunt went horribly wrong and he fell to his death.

P-51 Mustang.

P-51 and F4U Corsair.

F-18 Hornet.

more Key West

  In addition to the sunset cruise we took a snorkeling and kayaking cruise. Of course it was took windy to snorkel but we did get to kayak....