Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Starved Rock State Park - LaSalle Canyon

I spent several days hiking the trails and canyons in this park in northern Illinois, it's an hour or so southwest of Chicago. It's very beautiful, but it so hot and humid while I was there. We got thunderstorms every afternoon, but on the plus side, there were waterfalls in many of the canyons from all the rain.

These are the falls in LaSalle Canyon. It was a zoo on Sunday with lots of kids standing under them like a shower. I had to come back the next day to get some shots with no people in them.

You can't believe how steep and deep most of the canyons were. Sometimes you'd be walking in the woods and not even realize how deep into a canyon you were.

A view I don't usually get to shoot, from behind the waterfalls.

The view from the falls looking down the canyon.

just a few more RTD 2023

  Home base for Dragon trips is Fontana Village.   Our driver meeting before I big run through the dragon on Sat morning. Back up to the top...