Sunday, February 2, 2020

S2K Days at Gettysburg 2019

The S2000 Club of America had it's S2KDays trip in Gettysburg this year. The trip was equal parts fun driving, good food, and historical tours.
Anytime you see a group of identical cars parked together you can assume they're together.

Every trip includes new magnets or stickers and some people have been on a lot of trips.

This is a different group from my dragon trips, but quite a few people are in both groups.

Lining up for a group drive.

Most of our drives are "spirited" but this time we got stuck behind a tractor pulling something and it was anything but fast.

A couple of people in the group are real Gettysburg/history buffs and gave us a very interesting guided tour of the battlefield.

just a few more RTD 2023

  Home base for Dragon trips is Fontana Village.   Our driver meeting before I big run through the dragon on Sat morning. Back up to the top...