Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Backyard wildlife

 I took lots of photos during covid but somehow didn't post any so now it's time to catch up for the last couple of years. 

As always we have lots of deer in the yard during the winter, we usually put corn out for them to eat.
Everything else in the yard, including the squirrels enjoy the deer feeders.
Normally you see deer running around or standing in the yard but every now and then you look out and find one just sitting and relaxing.

Not exactly "in" the yard but I could see it from the backyard.

Just outside the kitchen windows.
We don't see them often but there is a family of muskrats living in the pond.

S2K Days 2021

 The S2000 club of America gets together once a year and this year was in northern Michigan. Sleeping Bear sand dunes. The view of lake Mich...