Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Maui - the best of the rest

These are all the left over photos that didn't really fit into one of the other posts.

I believe this is a Bird of Paradise flower in the garden are our resort.

While we were there we sent to see Sesame Street Live. Our son plays one of the characters.

Windsurfers off the north shore, just down the coast from Kahului.

Native dancers in the middle of the street in Lahaina.

The huge Banyon tree that takes up most of the city park in Lahaina.

Honolulu from the airplane on the way home.

Diamond Head.

We flew through Vegas on the way there.

Iao valley on west Maui.

Maui - the road to Hana

One day we took the long, slow, beautiful drive to Hana. It's only about 50 miles from Kahului but takes 3 to 4 hours to drive. There are about 50 one lane bridges and many places the speed limit is only 15 mph. Many places the road is cut into the side of a cliff overlooking the ocean.

A black sand beach on the north shore.

One of the many, many waterfalls you pass on the trip.

The north shore averages around 360 inches of rain a year. The south shore of east Maui averages only about 10.

We stopped at the state park near Hana to eat lunch and got caught in a down pour.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Maui - Haleakala the second time

Since all we saw our first trip up the mountain to see the sunrise was rain and clouds and fog we tried again a second day.
This time we actually got to see the sun come up.
At just over 10,000 feet we were above the clouds.

The view down into the crater.

The island of Hawaii off in the distance behind the clouds.

Maui - sunsets and such

Just generally pretty photos.
The mountains of west Maui.

The view from our balcony.

Our last sunset somewhere off the west coast of California as we were taking the red-eye home.

S2K Days 2021

 The S2000 club of America gets together once a year and this year was in northern Michigan. Sleeping Bear sand dunes. The view of lake Mich...