Sunday, August 28, 2011

Maui - swimming with sea turtles

I think my favorite part of the trip was swimming with sea turtles. We saw several on our snorkel trip and I saw one or two almost every time I went snorkeling right from the resort beach.
Most of the turtles we found were large, about 3 feet from the front of the shell to the back. They would be slowly swimming along and you could swim right with them, they mostly just ignored us.

The let their back flippers just hang behind and swim with just their front flippers.

I found this one just resting on the bottom, covered with sand.

After a while he decide to swim away.

This was the smallest I saw. I was snorkeling along and spotted him hiding under some coral. He was maybe half the size of the rest we saw.

S2K Days 2021

 The S2000 club of America gets together once a year and this year was in northern Michigan. Sleeping Bear sand dunes. The view of lake Mich...