Friday, March 7, 2025

Royal Gorge Railroad

 In the summer of 2023 we had a wedding to attend near Salt Lake City so we made a long road trip out of it. The first stop was southwest of Canon city Colorado, southwest of Colorado Springs. We took the Royal Gorge Railroad trip through the gorge next to the Arkansas River.

We had some extra time the morning of the train so we took a drive along the river and watched rafters.


In addition to rafters there were quite a few kayakers on the river.

My favorite car on the train was the open car where I spent most of the trip (except lunch) taking photos.

Once in the canyon the walls get steeper and higher, this is the Royal Gorge Bridge, 955 feet over the river.

A really exciting way to get a view down into the gorge.

After the train we headed to Durango next.

more Durango