Wednesday, February 26, 2025

more Page AZ (upper Antelope Canyon)

 East on Page on 98 are several world famous slot canyons. In the morning I visited upper Antelope Canyon. You've probably seen the iconic photos of Antelope with beams of sunshine showing the the sand they toss in the air. To get those photos you have to be there the right time of the year and the right time of the day the sun is overhead. You also need time to setup and shoot enough photos to the get the perfect one. The used to have photo tours to allow you more time to do that but they are now so busy they scrapped all the photo tours. I was also there the wrong time of year and day so I struck out all 3 ways.

In spite of the above, touring the canyon is amazing.

Our transport to the canyon, you park at the road and they drive you through a dry river bed to where the canyon starts.
Entrance to upper Antelope Canyon. The canyon is about 100 feet high and some places narrow enough you can barely squeeze through.

It was hard to get sharp photos, it was mostly too dark but also very bright spots where the sun came in. This shot shows a little of the scale of the canyon.

A view looking straight up.

more Durango