Every year the NSX Club of America has a national get together know as NSXPO and in 2022 it was in Phoenix AZ. Instead of just a long drive it turned into a 15 day, 6,000 mile epic road trip.
The night before I left Michigan, the last time the car was clean for a couple of weeks.
The trunk is fully packed, not my first trip so I have it down to a science. Since I was driving alone the passenger seat was also filled.
Actually, not driving completely alone, my faithful co-pilot Gumby hangs out on the antenna and waves at everyone going by. Now that I look at this photo, he needs a bath.
I started in Michigan and went south through Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee and met up with a bunch of friends in North Carolina for the Classic Hondas on the Dragon meet. Unfortunately for me my main relay died in the parking lot at Deal's Gap and I missed the meet and road across the dragon on a flat-bed truck. However the NSX group are some of the most wonderful people and John L in a white NSX chased the truck down and replaced the relay while the car was on the truck.
Once the car was fixed I headed west on 40 and met up with Jason, a friend from the east coast who I drove with most of the way to Phoenix.Crossing the Mississippi at Memphis into Arkansas. Most of the first couple days was driving with only a few photos out the windows.Next up was Oklahoma.Then Texas.
Near Amarillo TX we stopped for gas and ran into Richard and Liz also on their way to Phoenix. After a short chat they headed for the nearby Cadillac Ranch to film a video for their website, https://www.lapoftheworld.com/.
We got off 40 at Adrian TX to visit the route 66 mid-point between Chicago and LA.