Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Page AZ

 The area around Page AZ is amazing, so many things to see.

Heading south from Page to Antelope Pass Vista.

This is Navajo Bridge over the Colorado River just down river from Glen Canyon dam. The bridge on the right is the original one which they turned into a pedestrian when they built a new vehicle bridge.
View north up the Colorado River from the middle of the bridge.


I didn't it until I talked to some people on the bridge but this spot is a perfect location for California Condors to nest. When not busy they hang out on the bridge girders and sun themselves.

This is not a great photo but it was the best I could do without my telephoto lens, this is a Condor chick in the side of the cliff next to the bridge.

The view from the other side of the river.

Glen Canyon dam, upstream is Lake Powell, downstream is the Colorado River. This is just a bit northwest of Page.

more Durango